Child in a dental chair

Preventive Dentistry in Monrovia, CA

At Sprout Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Jessica Pack and Dr. Joseph Park specialize in pediatric sealant, teeth cleaning, and exams here in Monrovia, CA. They spent an additional two years of training just in pediatric dentistry with the goal of providing the best care for your kids. We believe in preventative care, not only for a pearly smile but for a long lasting health as well. Get your little one started off on the right path at our office with pediatric teeth cleaning and dental exams at our Monrovia, CA dental clinic. We recommend bringing your child in when their first tooth appears, or no later than their first birthday. With an emphasis on prevention and education, we can help ensure your child has healthy gums and teeth and minimize the need for needing complex treatment later on.

With gentle techniques and a caring approach, our pediatric teeth cleanings, dental exams, and sealant services in Monrovia, CA can keep your child healthy, so they can focus on what they do best: being a kid!


Preventive Dentistry

Exams & Teeth Cleanings in Monrovia, CA

For a healthy smile, get your kid's regular six-month teeth cleanings and pediatric dental exam in Monrovia, CA done at Sprout Pediatric Dentistry!

Just like adults, pediatric cleanings and exams are fairly straightforward. During your child's visit, one of our dental assistants will examine their mouth, clean any plaque on their teeth, polish to a pearly white. Then one of the pediatric dentist will provide a thorough oral exam to assess the overall health and to pinpoint any potential concerns with your child's oral health or development.

Preventive Dentistry

Minimally Invasive Techniques

We understand that dentistry can be a little nerve-wracking for little ones. To keep their appointment experience as positive as possible, we offer a variety of minimally invasive dental techniques for dental exams and pediatric teeth cleaning in Monrovia, CA. Just to name a few: laser therapy, silver diamine fluoride (SDF), ICON Resin Infiltrations and interim therapeutic restorations, our office is equipped to protect your child's smile without any noisy drills or scary needles.

Preventive Dentistry

Digital X-Rays

Digital x-rays are fast, high-resolution images that capture your child’s jaw and tooth health. X-rays will only be recommended if the pediatric dentists recommend them and taken only with approval. For most cases, x-rays are taken every few years, however, your child’s dentist may recommend more if your child is at a higher risk for oral disease. We also use a hand held x-ray device that minimizes radiation leakage making it safer for your child.

Preventive Dentistry

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are commonly used to prevent cavities. It can be used to keep your child's mouth free of decay by creating an impenetrable seal on your child’s tooth, which stops bacteria, acid, and food particles from causing cavities. The sealant is a liquid resin which is directly applied to the teeth and hardened with a UV light. Our dental sealant services in Monrovia, CA can protect your child's teeth for years to come.